Jock, Archie, Fergus, Rabsie & Dougal

The Highland Cows

Our Highland Cows are friendly and get pampered with regular brushes to tame their lucious locks! 
We have five Steers (desexed boys);  Jock (the one with the biggest horns) is the leader and the biggest of the fold, Archie (the light yellow one) is our teddy bear, he is the sofest in both coat and personality!, Fergus is the Silver dunn, he loves a good neck scratch, Rabsie is our gorgeous scruffy little brindle, and last but not least is Dougal the dark black and red little bear.
They all love a brush and can be quite demanding to make sure they get enough attention.

Huckleberry, Dudley and Elfie

The Miniature Goats

Our miniature goats love attention and are not shy in letting us are likely to hear them before you see them! As soon as they see humans around they will bleat until they are made a fuss of.

They are funny little characters and very entertaining to watch.  They all like a good head scratch and pat. Huckleberry is the one with horns and the most demanding of the 3, he loves a good scratch between his horns and is happy to have a cuddle.

Dudley is the cream one and is a little sweetheart, he is a little more timid, but will give 'kisses'

Elfie is the dark one with little naturally cropped ears.  He is usually the first to run up and see if you have any food for him!

Ranger, Quinn and Thunder

The Alpacas

The Alpacas are beautiful, quiet and serene like animals.  They graze all day and make a sweet 'humming' noise to communicate to each other as they move around the paddock.

They are very inquisitive and will follow us around to keep an eye on what we are doing.  They will run along side us as we walk beside the paddock and are always looking out for their breakfast.

Ranger (the red one) is the guardian of the pack and keeps watch on what is happening around them, you may seem him eyeing up Baloo the dog if he comes close to their paddock.

Quinn is the stocky white one, he is a little shy, he will come close, but not too close!

Thunder is the youngest, he is the tall, slim white one.  Thunder is the most confident of the Alpacas when it comes to humans, he will come up to see us and often give 'kisses' and follow us around.

Contrary to popular belief, they do not humans, but Ranger will spit at the others when the food comes out, he is a bossy boy!

PJ and Duncan

The Mini Donkeys

PJ and Duncan are the clowns of the Heimat family, they love to entertain us with their 'zoomies' and their wrestling.  Playtime is always a delight to watch, Mini Donkeys are very very cute.

PJ and Duncan are like big puppy dogs, they love being around humans and having a head scratch and cuddles.  They will nudge you and push each other out of the way to get attention.

You will likely hear an 'hee-haw' from PJ when people come within sight to make sure they are not forgotten about.  Duncan also tries to bray, but as he is still a baby he hasn't yet mastered it and it sounds more like an asthma attack!

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